Friday, July 06, 2007

A bunch of randomness

First, after trying desperately to deal with the pain of losing our baby, we decided to name it. It helps us to make the baby real, the pregnancy real, and the loss real. We named it Riley, which would have been it's name had it been a boy. We think it was, but Riley also works as a girl's name. So if you hear us refer to Riley, that's who we're talking about.

We now have a household of pets. In the last month we've added two new kittens and a pig(who lives next door) to our madhouse. Ellie (a grey tabby) and Miles (siamese) are siblings, and they have been wonderful entertainment for Grace. Here they are this week:

In other news, we are pregnant again! After a few more fertility treatments, we are expecting another little sprout (hopefully to stay this time!) in March. The due date is March 16th, which is also the day we found out we were pregnant with Riley. Very special day! I still can't believe I've been pregnant three times this year already!

My mom came to visit in mid-June and we had a wonderful time with her. Grace was so sad to see her leave! Here is a great pic from her visit:

Grace has been so full of life lately. She is really becoming her own little person, and gets very frustrated when she doesn't get her way. Here are a few random pics

1 comment:

ashley said...

HI, my name is ashley. I found you on the March 2008 board. I commented on a post you had. I'm the one with extremely low progesterone. If you have the time could you email me? I have some questions for your regarding my appt tomorrow with my midwife and supplementing.
My email is pinkblackprettyatgmaildotcom

btw your daughter is absolutely gorgeous. I'm keeping everything crossed from the little bean you have growing. Hopefully I will be joining you soon.