Monday, April 24, 2006

Practicing her sitting & Look at my hair!

This morning we practiced her sitting in bed. She's doing pretty good! Look at her facial expressions!

I also was able to put her hair into pigtails for the first time today. I really need to get some *little* hair bands.

What a fun weekend!

Saturday morning we went to the Cherry Festival Parade. She LOVED LOVED the harleys. Sure g'ma and g'pa mac will appreciate that *wink*. We saw a couple from birthing class that had a baby a month before Grace. They are due AGAIN, this time one year exactly from when the other baby was born! HOLY COW!
We made a flower bed on saturday night, I think it's a big improvement. The pics are of Grace playing outside then.
The partylite party was small, a lot of women couldn't come because of the community meal, but I still ended up getting $50 of free stuff and a bunch of discounts. We are having another one on May 23rd for the people that couldn't come.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Grace and her sweatsuit.

I thought this was so funny. Hehe. This is Auntie M's old sweatsuit, complete with tanktop, jacket, and shorts. I put some homemade legwarmers on her to complete the outfit.

My first venture into clothing sewing.

I made a sundress. The sizing was wrong so it's more like a 12 month instead of 6-9 so it'll be a while before she wears it. I am proud to say I not only sewed with a pattern for the first time, but actually made a presentable piece of clothing!

Grace and Abby

They have become the best of friends. Whenever we lay Grace on the floor, Abby comes over and puts her head next to her. Grace tries to "pet" her. It's so cute! And yesterday I walked in and caught Abby with her head on Grace's belly.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Another diaper

This is an AIO (all in one) that I made today. I made a few mistakes, but it's my first time making them. I think it's cute, and it's only a dipe, it'll hold pee!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


I forgot to post this pic of Grace while we were working outside on Sunday. Like her hat? lol


Look at them legs! I made her some babyleg-type things today. These are made of women's knee-high socks, with rib knit cuffs. Retail you can get them for $12! Here
I also bought a diaper pattern and made her a new diaper. Works SO much better than my others. I'll take a pic of that later. Unless you wanna see a dirty dipe! lol

roly poly grace

She had quite a bit of naked time today, and has discovered she can move all over by rolling! She reaaly only likes to roll fromback to tummy, but when she has to, she'll go tummy to back. Mostly she just rolls to her tummy or side and kicks her legs and arches her back to move all over. It's funny!
I let her lick a *sour* green apple yesterday. She cried when I took it away! So I let her lick it again, and she grabbed my hand so I couldn't take it away! Silly girl.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

More sewing....

I made a kiddie apron the last few days! Here
I even made the pattern myself! I'm no seamstress, but I'm learning!
I also made a new diaper for her. I didn't like the old pattern i'd used, so I made a new one! It works.

Little Miss Crabby

Well the princess has been in an awful mood the last few days. I think she must be teething for sure! She won't let us put her down for a second.
In other news....
I was carrying her in one arm, with a glass in the other hand, and a teacup and saucer in the hand i was carrying her with. Well i guess she wanted to help, cause next thing I knew she grabbed the teacup and starting pulling it towards her! Good thing the tea in it was cold. She's also been rolling more. Only if she's naked though. Those darn bulky cloth diapers! And Abby has become an item of interest- she was "petting" her while on the floor today!
We, well I, :) have started using sign language with Gracie. Simple things like "mama milk", dog, mama, daddy, g'ma, g'pa, more, sad, burp, etc. A nice lady sent me some recorded tv shows teaching kids sign language! She seems to like it!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I think she's teething!

Grace has been SOO crabby the last few days! She usually nurses every three hours, but has been wanting to eat every 1 1/2 to 2. She fusses all day long. I can't put her to sleep at all. She will only nurse to sleep when she's VERY tired. She's drooling a lot, she's chewing on her hands...but that could be because she just discovered them a while ago. And she woke up for the first time at night since she was 2 months old. I think I'll get some teething tabs tomorrow.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Four month appt.

Well our little princess is about as average as she can be, except in height. She was 50th percentile for head circumference and weight (13lbs 13.8oz) but the 75th for height (25inches) Good thing I ordered that new car seat today! Her poor little piggies are sticking over the edge of the seat almost. Doc says she is doing great!